This last weekend has been such a whirlwind—friends, family, lots of food, and lots of visiting. I really feel so fortunate that we have such great people to share our lives with! We finally made it to DC yesterday after leaving West Bend the night before so we could get a good 4 hr head start. We spent the night in Ohio and continued onto the home stretch after a good night’s rest. The most beautiful part of the drive was going through Pennsylvania—I never realized how lush and green the rolling hills are there because I have never driven east of Wisconsin until now.
It was great to see the guys working at the From the Farmer warehouse last night and being back in the city today. We got coffee with Jason’s friend and business partner [with whom we’re staying], Nick, at a café called Chinatown Coffee Company this morning in, you guessed it, Chinatown. It was a great place and its nice to be in town and see different spots that I can go back to when we’re more settled in DC.
Jason and Nick headed out on the train to Connecticut after coffee for a few business meetings so I spent some time in Georgetown, walking along the river and through the neighborhoods, just getting familiar with these strange surroundings. The rest of the day will now be spent organizing our belongings, reading by the pool, working out, and packing for Costa Rica, which is in less than a week! WOOHOOO!
Can’t exactly say that I’d love to be back in Denver working on days like today..
New digs…